Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Other highlights of 2007

This summer we had 3 camps!!! We had three advanced camps and one regular camp.
During camp. At the advanced camps the students did a lot of jumping. In fact, by the end of the second camp three of the students: Kathleen, Sherri, and, Abby went in the prehopeful level of the horse trials that was held here at Gusty Wind Acres Riding School. Their favorite part was the cross country course. Everybody had a great time. Sherri and Cameo went first. Sherri was the first one on course. She decided to walk the course and just trot up to the jumps from a short distance away. After stopping to look at the second jump Cameo jumped it and went on to do the rest of the course with ease. Sherri says that Cameo really got excited between fences three and four, but she behaved like a perfect lady. Kathleen and April breezed around the course in great form. Abby took Cinci last. He was so ready to go. She was able to trot/canter the jumps. At fence 5, the "W" jump, Cinci jumped very high! Abby had a shocked look on her face. After the cross country was done I cantered Buddy over the course just for fun!

I can't remember what happened in stadium, but I think everyone went clean and I know that I jumped Buddy over that course too! Abigail and Cinci won. In my mind, everyone won because they all reached so far beyond their comfort zones!

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